For those who missed the Annual General Meeting:
Councillor Chiarelli spoke about:
- SNOW REMOVAL CHANGES: The city has changed from clearing snow after 5cm to 7cm. If you were not happy with this year’s snow removal, please send a message to:
- RAPID TRANSIT ON BASELINE:. The busses will travel in the middle lane.
Details can be found on the City of Ottawa web site. - 21 WITHROW TAX LEVY: Please Note: The property has NOT been sold.
Councillor Chiarelli noted that many residents have not voiced their opinion about whether they are in agreement or not. We can understand those who voted NO. We would have voted No also because we think that the City of Ottawa owes City View a park. We have paid a lot of tax dollars to the city and had little in return. The new infill houses pay a development fee of over $20 000 to the city. Not a park in sight. Doug Frobel Park will be redeveloped this year. That is because it is way past its life cycle.We voted YES for the levy. This is City View’s last chance to keep some green-space for the future generations. If this land is developed, we have lost this opportunity forever. $5 a month/ $60 a year is a small price to pay for creating a legacy which will outlive us and preserve the lungs of our neighbourhood. Because of Infill, we have lost a lot of mature trees. This is changing the character of City View.
So, IF YOU HAVEN’T VOTED or would like to CHANGE YOUR NO VOTE to YES, you can find a copy of the levy on our website:
- STUDENT HOUSING: Rick says that he will work on this to bring forward his recommendation to council in thenext few months. This would mean a licence to rent a room or rooms in your house. This would help control the growing number of rooming houses in our neighbourhood.
Other City View Community News:
City View Community Association Executive is still looking for a Secretary, Communication/Web Site Director, Traffic/Transportation Director, and Business Liaison Director. For more information, please email us.
We are forming a Social Committee to work on our two big social functions:
- June 25Strawberry Social for Seniors. We have applied for a grant from the provincial government. If the grant comes through, this event will also include a free roast beef dinner. Others may buy a ticket to also attend.
- The second function is: City View celebrates Canada 150 on September 17.
We will have a photo booth, bouncy castle, wagon rides, horse rides and more.
We need help for these two events. Even an hour of your time will be appreciated.
There are about 18 more of the “Slow Down For Us” signs. If you would like one, please send us your address and we will drop it off.