Kilmorie House & Grounds: A Part of Our Heritage

The City View Community Association has been working with the heritage staff   at the city of Ottawa in regards to 21 Withrow Avenue or “Kilmorie” as it was called.
Designation of the home as a Heritage House looks promising however the heritage staff do not feel the land (approx. 2 acres) meets heritage merit.
The public has an opportunity to express why the land should also be considered at  two scheduled public meetings, see below.
We welcome and encourage anyone who feels they could contribute to our efforts, to please either register to speak or send a written comment to the public meetings.  This is the last chance we have to prevent development and instead encourage preservation of our neighbourhood’s history and heritage.
The cultural heritage value of an historic place under consideration for designation under that Ontario Heritage Act is evaluated using Ontario Regulation 09/06 which lays out the criteria for designation. The full text of the regulation can be found here:
To help you understand this regulation better, I would suggest reviewing the Ontario Heritage Toolkit which is published by the Ministry of Culture. The document related to Heritage Property Evaluation can be found here:
If you and the community association disagree with the assessment by Heritage Staff you are welcome to express your views directly to the Built Heritage Sub-Committee and/or Planning Committee which are both public meetings where delegations are heard.
You can register to speak at these meetings or you can submit written comments to the committees if you are unable to attend. You can register to speak by emailing the committee coordinator, Rosemary Theriault at or you can register in person on the day of the meeting.
The dates and times are:
1. Built Heritage Sub-Committee: April 14, 9:30 am, Champlain Room, 2nd Floor, Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
2. Planning Committee: April 26, 9:30 am, Champlain Room, 2ndFloor, Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
Thank you for your help in trying to preserve our heritage.
The City View Community Association

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