For those who don’t know or haven’t been down to Bassano Park between Rossland and Withrow go take a peek.
Volunteers have been in full swing for the last few weeks planning, tilling, moving earth, planting and watering. If anyone is wanting to help out there is a need for watering the plants (water is in a big blue barrel) and soil needs to be moved over around the plants.
The first three fence sections, nearest the bench, are already completely earthed. We are also looking for a carpenter who can build a door that we can lock and install a window in our little garden shed.
The gardens are coming alive and people are starting to make this a destination on walks through our community. It is like a breath of fresh air for the neighbourhood!
A great big thank you to everyone who has helped out so far to realize this project.
Neighbours working together to keep that little bit of country in City View.