The Coach House project was approved by Ottawa City Council on October 26, 2016. The City has just updated its website to provide residents with some implementation information regarding Coach Houses.
Copy and paste the link above into your browser and click on “adding a coach house
This new page contains a document titled “How to Plan Your Coach House in Ottawa.”
This document provides a high level overview of many of the considerations for planning coach houses.
Please also note that the City has not yet updated the online consolidated Official Plan and Zoning By-law to include the Coach House provisions. This piece is coming and may take some additional time. In the mean time I have attached the approved by-laws.
Please feel free to contact:
Emily Davies, MES-Plan, MCIP RPP, Planner II
Policy Development and Urban Design Branch, Urbaniste II
Services de l’urbanisme et de la gestion de la croissance
City of Ottawa | Ville d’Ottawa 613.580.2424 ext./poste 23463  /

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