The City View Community Association’s mission is to build a stronger, vibrant and safe community and to empower residents of our neighbourhood as follows:
- To promote community spirit, pride and fellowship among our citizens.
- To cooperate with and support other organizations with community activities and projects in pursuit of common interests.
- To provide a sounding board of public opinion with respect to community issues.
- To establish and maintain an information based website that will keep the community residents informed about available activities and opportunities that are of benefit to the residents of City View.
- To support programs which provide for the safety of our community residents.
- To generally promote the interest of the City View community within the decision making process of all levels of government.
Community Boundaries
The City View Community Association generally encompasses the area bounded on the east by Merivale Road, the west by Algonquin College and both sides of Indian Avenue, the north by Baseline Road and the south by Meadowlands Drive.
That the border of City View Community Association be opened on the west end, to include the homes west of Indian that were originally part of this association and have not been included in Ryan Farm. These homes are generally identified by the lack of curbs at the end of their property.
- The membership shall consist of only persons who reside within the boundaries of City View.
- Residents will pay an annual membership of $10 per voting member.
- Members who are at least 18 years of age are welcome to vote at our general meeting and sit on the CVCA Executive.
- To maintain membership in good standing, the annual membership fees must be paid.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of members of City View who are in good standing and have been elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM):
- President
- Vice-President
- Past President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Directors (up to 6)
Duties of Officers
- Coordinates and chairs all meetings of the CVCA.
- Is automatically an ex-officio member of any sub committee of the Association and takes overall responsibility for the actions of the CVCA.
- Provides for a contact point between the community, the Corporation of the City of Ottawa, the City Councillor, the M.P.P. for Nepean, and developers, when required.
- Responds to all queries from community members and attempts to resolve issues that directly or indirectly impact the community.
- Maintains a flow of information to Executive Committee on all meetings where the President represents the CVCA.
- May appoint other members to represent the Association for specific events or purposes.
- Ensures that the financial obligations taken in the course of CVCA actions meet generally accepted community standards.
- Acts on behalf of the President, when required by the President.
- Takes on special projects, as requested by the President.
- Performs other duties as determined by the Executive Committee.
- Keeps and maintains a record of all bylaws and special resolutions as permanent records of the CVCA. (electronically or physically)
- Takes the minutes of General and Executive Committee meetings, and includes a list of action items at these meetings to be published. Completes the minutes after the meetings, and distributes them for review and feedback.
- Incorporates any corrections or revisions needed into the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings, and obtains approval of the Executive Committee. Minutes of the General meetings are submitted for approval by the membership.
- Receives and archives correspondence addressed to CVCA. (electronically or physically).
- Keeps and maintains membership records. (electronically or physically).
- Maintains the Register of Directors in which the names and addresses of the Directors with the dates on which each became and/or ceased to be a Director.
- Performs other duties as determined by the Executive Committee.
- Prepares cheques and/or e-transfers as required and acts as a signing officer.
- Maintains a record of all receipts and distributions, and a record of all assets and liabilities which are retained as permanent record of the CVCA.
- Deposits funds into the bank account on a timely basis.
- Prepares invoices as required, and follows up on any accounts receivable.
- Coordinates the preparation of the annual budget for approval.
- Ensures financial policies and procedures are followed.
- Advises the Executive Committee of the CVCA financial status at each Executive meeting.
- Makes the books available for audit.
- Shall present a financial statement at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
- Provides the liaison to the Insurance Broker City of Ottawa Representative and to advise the Representative of any change in Group name, address or contact person.
- Takes the lead to ensure the CVCA’s liability insurance is renewed each year on a timely basis.
- Performs other duties as determined by the Executive Committee.
The immediate Past President serves primarily in an advisory capacity for the Executive Committee.
- Leads a committee that is established by the Executive Committee according to the annual needs of the CVCA.
- Attends all Executive and General meetings
- Updates the Executive Committee about the goals and actions of their committee
- Performs other duties as determined by the Executive Committee
- The Executive shall meet at least quarterly. In addition they may also meet at any other mutually acceptable time to transact the business of the Association.
- Fifty percent + one member of the Executive shall constitute a quorum for Executive Meetings.
- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in April of each year.
- General City View Community Association meetings may be held as needed and as required.
- All members of the Association shall be entitled to one vote at the general meetings of the Association.
- Proxy voting is not allowed.
- All voting shall be by simple majority unless stated in these bylaws. In the event of a tie, the motion is defeated.
- Voting is by show of hands.
- The CVCA funds shall be kept in an account at a public financial institution (e.g. Bank, Credit Union, etc.)
- There shall be no remuneration made to any member of the Association by the Association other than reimbursement of prior authorized expenses incurred for the Association.
- Any elected members of the Executive may have signing authority. All financial transactions of the association must be authorized/signed by the Treasurer or the President.
- Official accounts shall be maintained and an annual financial report shall be presented at the AGM.
- Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by any member of the Association. Proposed Amendments shall be given to the Secretary in writing at least one (1) month before consideration at a General Meeting.