Our annual Fun Day is approaching and we are planning several new activities as well as old favourites, face painting, balloon animals a colouring contest and HORSE rides with even more horses this year. In order to run this event we need donations for Activity Stations, Raffle Baskets, Tea Room in a Tent, Bake Sale and Plant Sale or Exchange.
ACTIVITY STATIONS: We need donations of small toys like McDonald’s toys, loot bag items, puzzle toys, themed small toys (e.g. Batman, Spiderman, My Little Pony), games and more.
RAFFLE BASKETS: In addition to empty baskets we are making baskets for children and adults alike. We accept all donations including: games, stuffed toys (e.g. Web Kinz or Beanie Boo’s), books, sports / outdoor items, crafts, personal care items like manicure pedicure, scented candles, and general fun items you or your children might like.
If you have a relationship with a local business, please consider asking them to donate a gift card.
TEA TABLES: We would appreciate contributions to our tented outdoor “tea room” with individually wrapped food items such as crust-less sandwiches, squares, cookies.
BAKE SALE: Homemade preserves, such as jams, jellies, pickles, fudge, pies, cakes, muffins and prepared dry baking mixes in a jar (e.g. oatmeal cookies mix, just add liquid ingredients).
PLANT SALE OR EXCHANGE: Any plants such as annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs, shrubs, bushes & small trees, etc., will be gratefully accepted.
Please bring your donations to either 100 RITA AVENUE, 16 WITHROW AVENUE or to 95 ST CLAIRE AVENUE labelled “CVCA FUN DAY JUNE 14.”
** We are also asking for VOLUNTEERS to help make this Fun Day happen. **
If you are able to help out with even a 30 minute shift please contact: cityviewassociation@gmail.com
All donations are very welcome and appreciated.
We thank you in advance and are looking forward to another great neighbourhood Fun Day.

Community News
Come one, come all! Join us for our AGM
Dear Residents of Ryan Farm & City View We hope that you will be joining us on Thursday April 25th at 7:30pm for our Annual