Dear residents of our City View Neighborhood: Your input is needed.
A flyer is ATTACHED HERE and more surveys will be available soon, on the side of a mailbox near you.
This survey is from the executive of the City View Community Association (C.V.C.A), who are working to represent your best interests. We are contacting you regarding two urgent issues and are requesting your input.
1: Preservation of green space at 21 Withrow Avenue.
The large lot and designated heritage home at 21 Withrow is currently for sale and a conditional offer has been received. It is likely that a developer will seek variances or zoning changes to permit very high density housing units. In cooperation with Councillor Chiarelli, the C.V.C.A. has been seeking an alternate outcome that would see the City purchase the property for use as a park and community building. However, Councillor Chiarelli will only move forward on that proposal if the majority of households in City View indicate support for a possible $5 per month property tax levy over a 10-year time-frame. The C.V.C.A. encourages your support for this proposed levy for the following reasons:
- This is the last possible location for a park in City View. We already have the lowest ratio of parkland per household in Ottawa, and this situation will worsen significantly with further housing in-fill.
- We feel that the quality of the community would be improved by a park, or eroded by the inevitable alternative (i.e. more homes and less green space). The difference between these alternatives could easily affect the value of our homes enough to compensate for the levy.
- This is your chance to leave a permanent legacy for future generations, to preserve one of the oldest farm houses in the city and its gorgeous grounds from development.
2: Defining the Character of our Neighbourhood.
Our neighborhood is changing rapidly. Each new infill proposal requires approval by the Committee of Adjustment (CoA). The CoA considers the concerns of neighbors, and how a new development affects the neighborhood character. It welcomes a clear and succinct definition of neighborhood character that is supported by the community. Without this, it is difficult for the C. of A. to see past the narrowly-defined proposals submitted by developers. On the back of this page we have written a short paragraph that defines our neighborhood. With your approval, this paragraph will help to guide the CoA when it considers minor variances in City View.
For us to move forward on each proposal (or not), we require that City View households affirm their agreement. The proposals are summarized on the back of this page. Please respond in one of the following ways:
- By returning this form directly to a C.V.C.A. representative who may have called on you in person
- By mail or drop-off to 95 St Claire Avenue, K2G 2A7.
- By email to:
Questions? /Or Form Pick Up (613)314–6555 or (613)727-9410
1: Preservation of green space at 21 Withrow Avenue:
In order to get funding from the City of Ottawa towards the purchase of 21 Withrow Avenue, Councillor Chiarelli has stated we must prove our community support. He has suggested a possible tax levy of $5 a month for a maximum of 10 years. Similar levies are being paid by residents of Alta Vista and Kanata North for community projects.
If we demonstrate our grassroots support the city (Councillor Chiarelli) said they will support the purchase of 21 Withrow. Once we have city backing the provincial and federal governments will then consider additional funding. *A Neighbourhood Park increases property values and the desirability of an entire neighbourhood.
Yes, I / We agree to a possible $5 a month levy on my/our tax bill for a maximum of ten years, to assist in the purchase of 21 Withrow Avenue.
Name (please print) ______________________________
Signature: ________________________________
2: Defining the Character of our City View Neighborhood:
“City View is a neighborhood of single-family homes with a very diverse feel; every street has old and some newer homes. The sizes can range from small and quaint to very large and elaborate with many architectural styles and influences. The relatively low density of housing gives the neighborhood a peaceful, un-crowded feeling. An abundance of mature trees, large yards, gardens (both flower and vegetable),and diverse landscape features provide aesthetic variety as well as homes and refuge for birds and wildlife. Many residents place a high value on these characteristics, and, regardless of what type of home they live in, would be reluctant to see City View developed into a neighborhood of homogeneous, closely-abutted houses, with little open space and few mature trees. “
I/we, (agree/disagree) ___________________ that the above statement accurately describes the neighborhood of City View in which I/we live.
Name (please print)__________________________________
Signature: ________________________________
The C.V.C.A. welcomes any comments, questions and suggestions you may have