Join our Board of Directors

The City View Community Association (CVCA) is seeking a volunteer Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. City View residents over the age of 18 are eligible to apply. 


  • Acts on behalf of the President, when required by the President.
  • Takes on special projects, as requested by the President.
  • Performs other duties as determined by the Executive Committee.


  • Keeps and maintains a record of all bylaws and special resolutions as permanent records of the CVCA (electronically or physically)
  • Takes the minutes of General and Executive Committee meetings, and includes a list of action items at these meetings to be made available Completes the minutes after the meetings, and distributes them for review and feedback.
  • Incorporates any corrections or revisions needed into the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings, and obtains approval of the Executive Committee. 
  • Minutes of the General meetings are submitted for approval by the membership
  • Receives and archives correspondence (electronically or physically) addressed to CVCA.
  • Keeps and maintains membership records (electronically or physically)
  • Maintains the Register of Directors in which the names and addresses of the Directors with the dates on which each became and/or ceased to be a Director.
  • Performs other duties as determined by the Executive Committee.


  • Prepares cheques as required and acts as a signing officer.
  • Maintains a record of all receipts and distributions, and a record of all assets and liabilities which are retained as permanent records of the CVCA.
  • Deposits funds into the bank account on a timely basis.
  • Prepares invoices as required, and follows up on any accounts receivable.
  • Coordinates the preparation of the annual budget for approval.
  • Ensures financial policies and procedures are followed.
  • Advises the Executive Committee of the CVCA financial status at each Executive meeting.
  • Makes the books available for audit.
  • Shall prepare a financial statement for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
  • Provides the liaison to the Insurance Broker City of Ottawa Representative and to advise the Representative of any change in Group name, address or contact person.
  • Takes the lead to ensure the CVCA’s liability insurance is renewed each year on a timely basis.
  • Performs other duties as determined by the Executive Committee.

Be a part of making City View a great place to live.

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