Planning & Zoning Committee

We work with municipality on behalf of our neighbourhood on a variety of issues including planning & zoning. Below are some of our current initiatives:

75 Granton Re-zoning proposal

The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application for 75 Granton Ave. to rezone the property from Residential First Density Subzone FF Exception 632 (R1FF [632]) to Residential Second Density Subzone E (R2E) to permit two pairs of semi-detached dwellings.

The proposal is to demolish the existing house and redevelop the site with two pairs of 2-storey semi-detached dwellings. Each principal dwelling unit would have a secondary dwelling unit in the basement for a total of eight units with parking for only four of those units.

Help us Say No to Granton Re-Zoning:

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Ottawa Official Plan

We are working hard to represent City View’s needs and concerns in relation to the City’s new 10 Year Official Plan. The CVCA submitted an official response to the City on March 12, 2021. Click here to view it.

Committee of Adjustment Meetings

One of the City View Community Association (CVCA) activities is the monitoring of applications to the Committee of Adjustments (COA). Most of City View is in the R1FF zoning by-law that sets out the minimum front lot width, lot area, setbacks and maximum building heights and lot coverage for our area.  When a developer or owner wants to build outside these parameters a variance must be requested and approved by the COA. The CVCA tries to monitor each property following its sale to provide comments on such issues as drainage, preservation of additional trees, character of the neighbourhood, illegal projections, and requests for additional variances.

Cash in-lieu of parkland

One of the main sources for funding parks in Ottawa is the Cash-in-lieu of Parkland Funds(CIL).  The province and the City mandates parkland requirements and one of the reasons the CIL of parkland policies were enacted is to enable underprivileged communities an opportunity to meet these parkland goals.  Across the City, CIL fees are collected from developers when they do not or can not provide parkland in their proposed developments. Cash-in-lieu has been neglected in regards to infill development in City View.  We continue to push the City to ensure developers are paying this fee and that it is making it back to our community. 

Recent News

Transportation Master Plan

The City’s new draft Transportation Master Plan sets out the transportation facilities, services, and policies that the City will implement in the next 10 years

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