Protecting City View's Tree Canopy
Trees are an important part of City View. Our community has beautiful and impressive trees which were planted decades ago. Our trees are providing numerous health benefits and environment services.
However, our tree canopy is under threat primarily due to removal for infill developments but also natural aging and severe weather incidents. By acting now to protect and renew our tree canopy, we and our children can enjoy it and its many benefits for years to come.
The City View Community Association (CVCA) has formed a Tree Committee to address these concerns as well as develop a strategy for the protection of existing trees and planting new ones for the future livability of our community. This webpage provides information on CVCA Tree Committee activities as well as practical tree resources for our residents.
Call for volunteers
Are you interested in joining the CVCA Tree Committee?
Suspect illegal tree removal?
Contact 311 immediately and report it. Be sure to obtain a reference number. Then call the CVCA at 613-314-6555 with the reference number.
Our vision is
“To enhance the livability of the City View community by protecting and renewing the urban tree canopy.”
- To create awareness of the health benefits and environmental services that trees provide;
- To embrace opportunities to increase the quality and quantity of tree canopy coverage on available public and private property;
- To protect the existing tree canopy by working with developers, current residents and the City to recognize the importance of trees and to ensure compliance with the new Tree Protection Bylaw;
- To encourage planting new trees on private property, with special attention to new builds and street frontages.
Current Activities
- Developing a “Tree Watch” program to help protect the current tree canopy and ensure compliance of the new Tree Protection Bylaw (By-law-2020-340);
- Encouraging residents to participate in the City’s Trees in Trust program;
- Promoting community participation in Ecology Ottawa’s free tree giveaway event.
- Working with the City to determine the extent of city-owned property and possible participation in relevant tree-planting programs.
- Developing communication material for the CVCA website and newsletter and Facebook to create awareness and information about the importance of trees, and to provide resources for residents who want to plant and care for trees.
Recent News
Tree Giveaway & Plant Sale: May 19
On Thursday, May 19, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Ecology Ottawa will be in the parking lot of the City View United Church to help us give away
New Tree Planting in City View & Ryan Farm
Check out the dozens of beautiful new trees that were just planted at Elizabeth Wynn Wood School and the City View Park. The CVCA applied
Resources & links
- City of Ottawa Resources on Trees
- Tree Protection Bylaw
- Trees in Trust Program that residents can use to have the City plant trees on city property in front of your house.
- Ecology Ottawa Tree Resources
- Ottawa’s Urban Forest Management Plan
- Native Tree Species in Ontario and Ottawa
- Health and Environmental Benefits of Trees
- GeoOttawa – Online Mapping tool
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the toggles below to see our answers to common questions.
Contact 311 immediately and report it. Be sure to obtain a reference number. Then call the CVCA at 613-314-6555 with the reference number; they will call the appropriate Forestry Services personnel to come and investigate right away. The reference number is important for tallying information, noting locations and actions, and tracking resolutions. If you feel the wait time for a reference number is too long, call the CVCA.
Participate in the Ecology Ottawa tree giveaway campaign
The CVCA and Ecology Ottawa will be co-hosting a free tree give-away program for people who want to plant trees on their properties. These are saplings that are quite small, and you will need to plant and maintain them yourself. The available species will be varied, perhaps up to 20, with a mix of deciduous and coniferous, and will include local native ones. More than one tree can be available. If you have questions about favorable site location(s), planting and maintenance information, as well as how big your tree will grow and how long it might take, we will be there to help.
The event is planned for Saturday, June 12, at the Nepean Museum (corner of David Dr. and Rowley Ave.); however it does depend on Covid restrictions. More details will be provided closer to the event.
Apply for the City’s Trees in Trust program
The City of Ottawa “Trees in Trust” program has street trees available for planting on the City’s right-of-way by request on a first come, first served basis. If your City-owned street frontage lacks a tree and you have the time and commitment to help care for one, this program may apply. Call 311 and ask to participate in the program. The request will go to the Forestry Inspector for our area, who will then access the site, and leave you the appropriate forms if the site is accessed to support a tree.
- The program applies to homes with street frontage (the space between your property line and the roadway).
- There is no charge to the homeowner.
- Supply and planting is provided by the City.
- The homeowner must provide proper tree care (watering) for the tree’s first three years. Instructions are provided.
- Trees will be a minimum size of 50 mm diameter, 2 to 3 m in height.
- One tree per single-fronting household is available or two trees per corner lot.
The following criteria are used to access potential planting sites:
- Space and soil quality for the tree to thrive,
- Presence of overhead and underground utilities,
- Presence of conflicting uses,
- Request is from the property taxpayer,
- Possible conflicts with traffic safely requirements or City maintenance.
More information can be found at:
Take part in the “Tree Watch” program
See information below.
Join the CVCA Tree Committee
If you are interested in joining the CVCA Tree Committee please click here.
Encourage your neighbours
In addition to planting trees on your property, you can encourage your neighbors to plant on theirs. Tell them about our website and newsletters.
This depends on the type of tree you want to plant, its size at maturity, and how long it takes to get there. You can also think of the function you want it to serve. Below are some links on some tips on planting a tree on your property.
The City of Ottawa “Trees in Trust” program has street trees available for planting on the City’s right-of-way by request on a first come, first served basis. If your City-owned street frontage lacks a tree and you have the time and commitment to help care for one, this program may apply. Call 311 and ask to participate in the program. The request will go to the Forestry Inspector for our area, who will then access the site and leave you the appropriate forms, if the site can support a tree.
- The program applies to homes with street frontage (the space between your property line and the roadway).
- There is no charge to the homeowner.
- Supply and planting is provided by the City.
- The homeowner must provide proper tree care (watering) for the tree’s first three years. Instructions are provided.
- Trees will be a minimum size of 50 mm diameter, 2 to 3 m in height.
- One tree per single-fronting household is available or two trees per corner lot.
The following criteria are used to access potential planting sites:
- Space and soil quality for the tree to thrive,
- Presence of overhead and underground utilities,
- Presence of conflicting uses,
- Request is from the property taxpayer,
- Possible conflicts with traffic safely requirements or City maintenance.
More information can be found at:
Below is a link with some helpful tips to maintain your tree:
We recommend that you plant Ontario native tree species to ensure they will thrive and last many years:
There are several tree farms in the Ottawa area. See link:
You can check out the Ottawa Geo website that will give you an idea of your property lines in order to help where to plant a tree:
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