The Committee of Adjustments continues to grant variances for severances and new-builds in City View. In April, May, June and July there were 8 hearings (98 Cotes des Neiges, 78/80 Rossland, 85 Chippewa, 35 Cordova, 77/79 Cotes des Neiges, 105/107 Granton, 44/46 Cotes des Neiges, 22 Rossland)
An application for 29 A&B David (adjourned from July 7 and August 4) will be heard September 15, 2021. This existing lot has only a 26.45m (86.78ft) frontage with proposed lot frontages of 12.59m (41.31ft) and 13.86m (45.47ft) feet once severed. These lots would be much smaller than any other infills and the frontages are way below what the existing by-law allows at 19.5m for each lot. The lot areas will be 416m2 and 418m2 again much lower than the required 600m2. These are the main reasons that we oppose this application.
In the past number of years infill in City View has always been limited to division of lots that have between 99 and 100 foot frontages. Our records show that all previous City View infills that have been approved by the Committee of Adjustments (70 applications for 130 infill houses) are on much larger properties in comparison to this proposal. If anyone would like to speak on this matter, send in comments or listen in on the meeting please contact