A number of new applications for infills are scheduled to be heard at up-coming Committee of Adjustment hearings. The CVCA continues to comment at these hearings to express concerns on the loss of neighbourhood character, and the effects these infills have on our streetscape, infrastructure, drainage and loss of tree canopy.
Three applications for March 16, 2022 meeting:
- Application for Minor Variances at 34 Granton Ave to permit a reduced lot area and lot width for the construction of a new detached dwelling.
- Application for Minor Variances at 36 Granton Ave to permit a reduced lot area and lot width for the construction of a new detached dwelling.
- Application to sever the property at 11 Tower Road and to demolish the existing detached dwelling and construct two new, two storey detached dwellings, on the newly created parcels.
We have also heard that there are further Upcoming Committee of Adjustment Applications for:
- 9 Tower Road
- 10 Granton Ave
- 101 Chippewa Ave
- 56 Starwood Ave
- 49 Meadowlands Drive
Please contact us if you need more information on these applications, have questions, concerns or comments, or if you intend to participate in the hearings.