Infill Development Amenity Fund & Peace Center

This article in the Ottawa Sun today is linked below.
Apparently the city has specific capital funding for such programs as conservation, environmental protection and the Sports Field Development Fund.
It is time to consider and implement a cultural / heritage fund, especially in light of Canada’s 150th Birthday and Nepean’s 225th anniversary.
We really wonder how can the city, in all good conscience, carry forward with intensification (which we support in general)
but NOT make plans to improve, modify and increase appropriate amenities to go hand in hand with this intensification?
To not take advantage of properties as they become available is just short-sighted and goes against the principles of good city planning.
Considering that all this considerable intensification will bring with it new tax dollars; I think a special Infill Development Amenity Fund is most appropriate and required.
The city can’t expect people to move into older neighbourhoods, accept more and more new developments and provide them without any means to build strong communities.
A park and a community center is a much needed amenity in the under-served community of mid-town City View. As a cultural & historic center, with landscaped gardens,  it would provide a unique and valuable addition to the city’s park system.
We hope the city will see a way forward in the very near future to support and help us acquire the lovely and now available green-space at 21 Withrow.

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